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club logo   Coal Authority, The
Address: The Coal Authority, 200 Lichfield Lane, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 4RG
Tel (Work): 01623 638250 Fax: 01623 427316
Email: johndelaney [at]   
Facebook: Not supplied  
Main geographical areas:
 Scot   LL   NE   YH   NWM   WM   EMEA 
Activities: The Coal Authority was established by Parliament to undertake specific statutory responsibilities associated with: (i) licensing coal mining operations in Britain; (ii) handling subsidence damage claims which are not the responsibility of licensed coalmine operators; (iii) dealing with property and historic liability issues, such as treatment of minewater discharges, and (iv) providing public access to information on past and present coal mining operations. Accounts and Report are published annually at the end of July and Environmental News annually in September. Current projects include the 'Access to Mineral Heritage' website (
Connections with mining history: The Mining Records Office at the Coal Authority headquarters holds three main sets of records: Coal Abandonment Plans. The Mining Records office houses the collection of coal abandonment plans (deposited since 1872), covering both opencast and deep mining operations. The collection numbering in excess of 100,000 plans. All plans have been microfilmed, and prints can be supplied from the microfilms as per current charges, a quotation for which can be supplied upon request. The Coal Holdings Register and associated records dealt with the transfer in ownership of coal prior to the Nationalisation of the Coal Industry on the 1 January 1947. In conjunction with the Registers, the collection includes 26,500 former Coal Commission claim files that contain the relevant plans and Mining Leases, to supplement the Register entry. The Licence Register contains information on all current granted licences together with any applications for the same received by the Coal Authority. Inspection of Records -All the above records, which cover England, Scotland and Wales, can be viewed at the Mining Records Office, any day Monday to Friday, between the hours of 09.00 and 12:00 and 13:30 to 16:30 (13:00 to 16:00 Fridays), subject to the making of a prior appointment. Telephone number 01623 638233, Fax number 01623 629100. The inspection of coal abandonment plans is free of charge subject to a maximum visit of half a day per working week. Visits in excess of half a day per working week will be subject to a room hire charge of £50 plus VAT per half day of visit. Visits to view the Coal Holdings Register and the Licence Register are subject also to a charge of £50 plus VAT per half day visit.
Additional information: There is a 24-hour call out service for Surface Hazards associated with coal workings and outcrops (e.g. shaft collapses, gas emissions, spontaneous combustion). The telephone number is: 01623 646333.

Last updated: 23/11/2017

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